48 części Opowieść Zakończona Dla dorosłychThe Austins moved to Oak Creek Indiana to escape reminders of a family tragedy. To forget their past. For the first time in her sixteen years, Hailey Austin is without a sibling. Haunted by the memory of a sister she can never recover and a death she believes she could have prevented, Hailey has forced the memories away. But Oak Creek has its own past, shadowed recently by the ongoing search for Lauren Paisley-a young local, now two months missing, who has become the talk of an entire community.
Not long after her arrival in the new town, Hailey is abducted near her home and brought to the basement of an abandoned house deep in the woods where she discovers Lauren has also been confined. After several weeks, the widespread search for the two girls is failing as the town begins to piece together the troubled history of the Austin sisters for clues as to who might be behind the kidnappings.
But it's Hailey who knows the truth about who took her, why she and Lauren are there together and what must happen for them to leave alive. All of the answers are already in Hailey's mind.
She just has to remember them.