*i do not own Naruto* ~time travel; second great Shinobi war (SGSW)~ ---------------------------------------- Kakashi and Naruto were the only two left after Madara's final attack. Kakashi was okay but he was still tired, he asked Naruto how she was faring but didn't get a reply. Worry built up in his chest as he made his way to his last living student. When he got there she had a sword sticking out of her chest, Naruto suddenly started coughing blood and wheezing. Kakashi was panicking and then... she died. In his arms. This was the worst possible scenario the Hatake thought could happen and here it is actually happening. Whilst a sobbing mess Kakashi shoves a Chidori through his stomach and dies beside his dead student. He then wakes up in his seven year old body... wait what!!! He believes it is a dream, but only after he sees his father burst into the house with a sleeping blonde that he rethinks his earlier jugement. Find out in 'To Not Give Up'.All Rights Reserved