'My little book of daily prayer' is intended to help the reader focus on a particular prayer request each day, and to pray to God about it. The aim of this book is for the reader to find guidance to pray each day. The prayers follow reflection presented for each month of the year.
Each chapter of the book is dedicated for a particular month of the year. The reader is encouraged to accompany the prayer request with other prayers he feels comfortable to use. Here the reader can recite the Rosary, say the Lord's Prayer, use the prayer request to pray for a particular intention, etc.
The book is intended to accompany the reader every day, to help him select the prayer request for the day, and to help him during his personal praying time. Through the prayer requests, the reader is encouraged to pray for people going through difficult situations in life and for them to discover and accept Christ in their lives.
I hope that you find this book of interest and that it reaches its aim of helping you in your spiritual growth.
I always wondered why some people believed in prayer a little more than others. Was it something they did that other people didn't do? Or maybe prayer is only for specific people? I have only been a Christian for 6 years and in the 6 years I have been Christian, there is nothing that has helped me more than the power of prayer. Prayer works and when we learn about the power that is found in communing with the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit, we'll do it more. In this book, I am going to share the power that prayer produces, especially when we pray for one anther. I write it in a way that makes us understand the intercessory part of prayer and what God wants us to do when we go through our trying moments.