Části: 29 Dokončeno Pro dospěléMANCHILD
"A boy or adolescent from the streets who was prematurely exposed to and knowledgeable about sex, violence and crime, incarceration, adult responsibility for younger siblings due to a dysfunctional home, and hustling to make a living."
Ranada remembered her daddy telling her to steer clear of "little boys" like that. But now, with him gone, and her mother not paying her the right kind of attention, Ranada finds herself enticed by the poster boy of "men-children." Kentrell Gaulden. With his tiger stripes, big cat eyes, and Baton Rouge gutter persona. He was everything she didn't want but lowkey needed. He was damaged and hurt and had mommy issues that Ranada needed to fix, unbeknownst to her.
He was her vice and she was his fix.
STARTED: 04/22/21
COMPLETED: 10/17/21