60 parts Complete Oliver Wood sees a lot of his younger self in Hermione Granger when she appears at Hogwarts for her first year. He takes it upon himself to look after her like a big brother. But when he leaves Hogwarts, things become a tad more difficult, not only because of the distance, but because as their friendship continues, he finds his feelings toward her change.
All known information on the Wizarding World is copyright of J.K. Rowling. This book is rated for general audiences, but any follow-ups may or may not be rated mature.
New updates every week! (Unless otherwise noted) This story inspired by @Bookworm1993 and her stories, Oliver Wood and the Reluctant Contestant https://www.wattpad.com/5400951-oliver-wood-the-reluctant-contestant and Getting to Happily Ever After https://www.wattpad.com/7207450-getting-to-happily-ever-after
While I am not one to harass people for reviews, I ask that you please let me know what you think as I go along. This is my maiden voyage into this pairing.