"This is still not the end."
After five years of mourning. Five years of sorrow. Shinichi found himself struggling, still looking for the missing piece that he lost long ago. He struggled to keep himself moving forward, facing tomorrow without the presence of the certain scientist that he grew to love. Their almost love story ended before it even start.
Not until...
Unrequited Feelings Book Two
Again, this is a CoAi/ShinShi fanfiction.
We Don't Talk Anymore || Ranpoe, Soukoku, Shin Soukoku
20 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
20 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Started: March 18, 2023
Finished: November 3, 2023
They weren't talking anymore...
One of them went on with his life as if nothing had happened and he had never loved the other.
He even had a new girlfriend...
The other did not know how to move on with his life.
The story of two men who part ways even though they still love each other...
They say soulmates always get together.
Does this apply to them too?
Or were they not really soulmates as they thought?