One Breathe. Two Don't think. Three Let go. Darkness. Bleak and cold, there is no hope in the never ending void of pain and sorrow. No one likes to acknowledge their own misgivings and failures. It's the number one human rule: ignore your problems, keep moving, fake it till you make it. But what if... What if you can't ignore your problems? What if they crush your soul from the inside out? What then? Are you supposed to fake it till you make it? Fake happiness and love and success when under the surface you can't wait to die? Fake it till you lose the battle to the aching need to be gone? The need to fade into the darkness. How can you save yourself from murder at your own hands? Can you do it yourself? Or do you need to be saved by someone else? This is a story. A story of a girl falling into the void. No not falling... launching herself... into the void, only to be pulled from the brink of destruction. It's a story of a love that has been lost. It's a story about death and hatred and pain and self reliance. It's a story of relying on the humans ability to let go of everything and be born anew.All Rights Reserved