A compelling story of an introverted teenager who in more ways than one is ostensibly beyond her years. Losing her grandmother and being left at the mercy of a capricious Nigerian society, young Obianuju is made to endure the ferocious fire of modern day servitude and child labour amidst life's many travails. She is left only to rely on the hope of one day standing a chance at a brighter future and building a path towards her liberation and existential fulfillment. Despite the unexpected twists and turns, Uju's survival is made possible by the sheer force of her intrepid heart, the relentless will to keep going and a desire to remain faithful to the loving and wise words of her dear Nne, who espoused a bounty of virtues and sanguine grit. ° ° ° ° °If you desire a novel that will stimulate your mind and influence you positively, then look no further. You've found it.° #8 -Kindness (Feb 25th) #15 -Africa #14 -Personality