One magical evening, a Man of Mystery came out of the shadows to caress his beautiful Primma Donna, Christine Daae. Unfortunately, she revealed his horrible face, that hid his background and whole life. But 20 years after the Opera House, the Phantom's home and childhood, the Phantom has risen again. He has found another woman, Penelope, and she is falling under his dark spell. Day after day, night after night, the Phantom lurks for his prey. But can this woman forget about his past and his face, and see the man who is really behind the White Mask? Join me, my friends, into the world of destruction, romance and hatred as we further explore the Phantom's White Mask... By the way.............. CHRISTINE RETURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Catherine Daei is a young soprano who lives in Paris. She is the understudy for the part of Christine Daaé, the main character in the famous musical The Phantom of the Opera. When she begins to receive notes and a masked man shows up in her mirror, things seem all too familiar. But what happens when she falls in love with her masked admirer? Will they end up together upon discovering each other's tragic pasts?
This book was written in collaboration with @EmmaMarchAdams and is book one in The Beauty Underneath series.
Also check out the prequel D.Y.C.M? under Emma's profile.