If there was every any doubt that aura's are real, Allister diminishes it.
Reading people is difficult, but with the right gifts, it's simple enough to find those who are pure of heart. Unless they're so good at masking their aura that even the best get fooled.
Best friends, Allister and Gael, embark on a virtual adventure to find the truth of their bad luck to find that it isn't quite a coincidence. After many years apart they become inseparable again.
Until Perla comes along.
Tasked with stealing her aura, Allister knows it's not right anymore and does everything he can to protect and train her while they're both being hunted.
In a world where the truth can be anything, and lies mean nothing, peace will prevail.
Wars are waged and lost friends and family are joined again by tragedy.
When hope is all lost, it is given again through kindness and determination.
I am 16 years old and finally will have a life out the home I have know for so long. I will be going to a school. The leaders of our city will be picking which school I fit in.
Except these school aren't what they seem to the naked eye. They involve monsters no one ever thought real.
Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and Shape-shifters.
How can I survive learning about these things daily for my whole life?! But, the thing is I won't be learning about them to just...learn. I will be finding out about these creatures because...I am one.
New friendships brew while enemies start to boil. Some friends become more than friends. Then some turn on her.
She's different. The prophecy says she will start a war. Will she really. How? What will happen? Will people die that she cares about? How can she save them?
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