My story is an alternate reality where katsuki bakugou has a sister named akemi bakugou and ochako uraraka has a sister named marasaki uraraka Akemi bakugou's backstory : Akemi's original quirk was explosion but so was her brothers and he controls it better than her. all for one put many quirks into a necklace a hid it were he thought no one could find it, akemi is very good at finding things so she found the necklace and has had it since she was six. She has known marasaki since they were kids and bullied marasaki for years until 7th grade, she started to have a crush on marasaki. A few months after this part of the story her necklace gets taken away right before a field trip class 1A and 1B goes to train and bakugou gets kidnaped and she couldn't do anything except explode things like her brother eventually she went home and got her necklace back and immediately teleported to the villain leagues base caught all of the villains and got katsuki bakugou back, and toya todoroki got out and himiko toga as well Marasakis backstory: Marasaki was akemi's childhood friend until akemi thought she was like a god and any friends she had that akemi said had "weak quirks" she would bully and marasaki up until the 7th grade she was a weak quirked . during the sports festival akemi decided to take of her necklace and fight akemi normally with her Original quirk explosion and marasaki won Akeya Hanako's back story: She was disowned by her parents because she was bisexual her parents were big time heroes in america she moved to japan, with money she had from her grandma cause her parents didn't give her money but her grandma was pansexual and accepted her until she joined the villain league. Her parents were abusive so she wears the tights and sweater to hide the scars.she is very good friend with himiko toga. asuga:ask rumiko on either tik tok or instagramAll Rights Reserved