Indian Film History is a mall and storehouse chronicling around 100 years of Indian Cinema. Our crisp database catalogs movie data with an objective of making it available for all generations, working as a destination for movie enthusiasts.
You got it right! We don't seek refuge in any single "wood". Our film portal is open to all suffixes, brands - small and big, genres - A to Z, and star cast - from actors to sound recorder.
Hence our Weltanschauung - Indian Film History!
Indian Film History is an information retrieval search engine platform for Indian cinema. It is a repository of Indian feature films dating back to the inception of popular cinema in the 1920s. Functioning as a robust digital library, the Indian Film History channel carries a sterling database of 12000 movies from various Indian regional languages like Hindi, Marathi, and Bhojpuri. It acts as a store where movie data is archived and stored with a forbearing vision of making it available to the future generations as a facsimile, thereby working as a one-stop shopping center of gratification for movie aficionados' taste buds.
Indian Film History keeps you abreast with news, views, posters, trailers, videos, songs, in-depth features and reviews of films. It also helps in listing the successful and path-breaking movies of each age, major actors and directors and awards and achievements, arranged according to region and industry.