The Blades of Marmora asks for Keith's and Pidge's help with a top secret mission. Pidges team try talking her out of it, especially Matt and Keith. Matt not wanting to risk loosing her and Keith because he knows the dangers of the mission.
What happens when Pidge chooses to go on a mission that will mostly go terribly wrong.
This happens between season 4 and 5 after the last episode in season 4 and before the first episode in season 5.
Shiro is really Shiro not a clone.
I'm not an expert in writing Keith and the Blade of Marmora but I'm going to give it my best shot.
This is a Secret Santa for a Voltron channel I'm a part of on Discord.
If you want to join message me privately or in the comments.
This is gifted to: Sakarrie
Merry Christmas everyone