This girl had dreams.Not for her own,but for people.She lived by her own will,yet lived for people.She prayed not for her,but for the world.She listened only to her mind and never to her heart.She finds her happiness in other's happiness.Life for her was complicated yet for others it seemed pretty simple.She forgot that she had her own life but rather created an another world where she was merely an aid to the needs of others.She committed herself to the benefits of people.She forgot about herself.She hid her real self and showed a different face to people.No one understood the change and no one would have ever.Life went on ,yet she stayed the same along with her past experiences.She grew as a person.She became heartless yet she was deeply caring.She built a hard shell around her soft heart.She showed the bad face to people where literally people gave no shit about her.Her life became a joke in which she was a just joker trying to please everyone.Her happiness holds only in the happiness of others.She had no happiness of her own.She made it a must to consider other's happiness as her own.She was that girl that no one could never become.She was that one that maybe only God could have understood.She was that one who was misunderstood by many,yet she maintained her dignity.She was that one who understood life to its core at a tender age.In fact,She was covered with a hard shell around her soft heart.