∞☼∞☼∞☼∞☼∞☼∞ "I detest your wallpaper. It's just... I want to slap that girl, she looks so happy! And, believe me, I absolutely loathe you for making me miss you. I miss the stupid, irrelevant bickering. I miss the deep shit we used to talk about. I miss how we used to sit side by side for hours and listen to music in comfortable silence. I miss how I knew exactly what you were thinking by just looking at you. I miss you! I hate how I feel helpless because I don't know why. It's taunting me, taking up all my thoughts. I hate how sudden everything is. One day, you're procrastinating studying for the finals by chatting with someone till midnight, and the next day, BOOM!, he doesn't even acknowledge your existence anymore. The worst thing is how I sound right now! I sound like I care, and I hate you for making me care, which brings us to the last thing. Considering my past record, I would have never attempted to sort this out. You know why I did? Because I actually care." A sob escapes my mouth and echoes around the room. That's it. That's all my pride can handle for the day. It is crippled and incoherently begging for me to leave. Yes, it is that damaged. ∞☼∞☼∞☼∞☼∞☼∞