"People are screwed up in this world. I'd rather be with someone screwed up and open about it than somebody perfect and ready to explode." Avery Wilson. Too fucking complicated for someone to love, as she puts it. Her life is a crazy mess with friend drama and her mom fighting to hide the mourn of their father's death 3 years ago. She hides behind smiles and perfect grades. As cliche as this sounds, Avery finds herself bumping into these so-called bad boys one day in the halls. With her feisty manner, she seems to captivate this one boy, Chase Montgomery. With his light brow eyes that you seem that you can stare into forever and lavishing brown hair, Avery loathes him. She finds that every corner she turns, and every step she takes, he seems to always be there. Through all this hatred, comes a bit (more like) a lot of love.