Hello everyone of adventure bay as the mayor of this town i me and others well be building a restaurant for in honor of the paw patrol for helping us out through out the years the restaurant well be called Marshall's pizza and i kown why i don't name it paw patrol well some of the kids in this city said that Marshall is there fravite pup so it well be called Marshall's pizza the place is open enjoy your stay everyone 2 weeks later this place is awesome rubble said yeah i can't belive maregood way made us a restaurant with my name Marshall said yeah chase said I'm Goring to the bath room Marshall said he Marshall oh hey mister with how do you kown my name heh eveybody kown s how you are the young men said oh right um so what do you want Marshall said i was told by thw manger that i jave a surprise for you in the back room get your friends oh a surprise they would love that ok ill be back hey guys woah slipped on soap heh evey body laugh oh my back you all right marshall chase said yeh im fine but there is this guy in the back that surprise let's go ran to the back hay he was suppose to be here a second oh go slam the door Zuma said ah uh i can't get it open sleeping gas went in the room cough cought cought.All Rights Reserved