Ethan Dolan, Grayson Dolan and Elizabeth Lightwood have been best friends, well since birth actually. Ethanh and Grayson are 5 days older then Liza. So yeah you could say since birth. Eliza has two older brothers, Codey and Corey. Codeys 25, the eldest and Corey's 18, 2 years older then Elizabeth. Now you may think Eliza's your typical sweet innocent girl, yes and no. You also may think Ethan's your typical golden boy, bahaha no. Ethan AND Grayson are apart of gangs, drug dealing, you name it. Now here's the juicy part. Eliza, Ethan and Grayson the are hanging out one day until Ethan gets a call, and KABOOM! They go missing for 2 months and come back, well not really same as the Ethan and Grayson Dolan Elizabeth used to know.
Just read the story please, it's so much more sense😂