Lauren Cimorelli is an ordinary student in an ordinary public school. Well, not that ordinary since she is part of a rising girlband called Cimorelli with her 5 sisters, means, she's the most famous person in her school.
She dislike all the students there— even the new ones— because they eventually turn into jerks and sometimes they say rude things to her. She thinks almost everyone in her school is fake. Her family decided that since she's the most introverted child in her family, They sent her to public school to learn how to interact with people. She only has three friends— Elli, Jacob, and Aliah—and the rest dislike her back, but not that much. They didn't like her that much because Lauren Christine Cimorelli is the sassiest student there. She sasses and sarcastically replies everybody, that's why they called her the 'Sassy Princess'.
Xyrus Martin is a new student in Malibu High School. He is a people person which makes it easy for him to make friends. He meets a girl named 'Lauren Cimorelli' who did nothing but sass him, like he has done something wrong or Lauren naturally hates him. That didn't stop him by talking to her. She became mysterious to him— and he loves to know mysterious people. There's something about this girl that she wants to know about.
Will he tame the Sassy Princess?