"war" is a role play au set in pyrrhia's future, roughly 160 years so. now, the two continents, pyrrhia and pantala have joined each other and have lived in peace. but of course, all things must eventually die.
the sand and hivewing queens erupted in battle over dominance in the trade islands between the two lands. during the feud, a rogue hybrid called adder captured the eye of onyx for himself, challenged the queen, and seized the throne for himself. the hybrid, now king, swiftly brought the hivewings to their knees. he seemed to be a fair king, having allowed the hivewings their keep and their freedom, her appeared to be a great and merciful leader. at least, until his plan unraveled.
suddenly, he began to capture territory after territory-first the skywings, then the mudwings, rainwings, and nightwings. before any sizable action could be taken, the leaf and silkwings were defeated. he was no king, he was a warlord.