“Tyler honey, can you come in here?” My voice carried through the bathroom door, as I
stared down at the pregnancy test in my hand. The two little pink lines were
blurry with the tears in my eyes, and my heart fluttered joyfully. I'm pregnant, after two years of trying I was finally going to give my husband a child!
The bathroom door opened to reveal my handsome husband;
he was tall with dark hair and green eyes. His Italian heritage was evident in
his facial features as he furrowed his brow curiously, “What’s up, Sweetheart?”
He asked, leaning against the door frame.
I had hidden the test before he came in the bathroom, so
he wouldn’t see it. “Guess what!” My lips formed a mischievous smile, eyes
twinkling with the happiness I felt deep in my belly.
Tyler laughed softly, stepping forward to embrace me in a
hug, “I don’t know, Silly. Just tell me,” He nuzzled my nose and smiled at me
lovingly, but a bit impatiently. He was never one for waiting when it concerned
him. It was quite adorable.
“Close your eyes,” I ordered him, playfully the
excitement bubbling inside of me threatening to burst at any moment.
He obeyed me, covering his eyes with his hands to show he
was willing to do anything to please me as long as I didn’t make him guess. “Tell
me already!” Tyler whined, a smile playing at his lips.
“Okay. Open your eyes!” I was practically jumping in place.
Tyler moved his hands from his eyes and opened them, his
eyes meeting the test in my hand. He stared at it for quite some time, as if
trying to tell if it was positive or not. A few moments passed, my heart
started to squeeze; did he not want a baby anymore? I was about to speak up, my
heart slightly wounded by his silence, when he finally spoke. “You’re pregnant?”
His voice was hesitant and faded at the end, as he looked up into my eyes.
His warm hand stays at my back and I can feel his body keep me close. I nod and listen to his heart again. Worry suddenly starts to ruin this beautiful moment and I whisper, "What will happen if there's something wrong? What if your faith isn't strong enough?"
Tyler's eyes soften at this and his thumb tenderly rubs my cheek. "I'm not afraid of what's to come. I have you."
"I'm not as strong as you are."
"That's what you think. You are much stronger. I can see it in you, city girl."
I smile at this but my heart isn't convinced. He doesn't know what I've been through. He doesn't know how weak I can be. How much of a coward I am.
But I promise myself that this time I'm not that woman. I'm his. I can't just run away from my problems like I've done all my life. He needs me no matter what happens.
So I'll stay against his chest; listening to his heart until it no longer makes its beautiful melody.