This term applies to all consumer and business electronic pieces of equipment that are near or at the end of its useful life. There is no specific definition for electronic waste (e-waste) at this time, but any electronic device containing circuit boards or chips is most likely e-waste. Things which contain heavy metals like cadmium, lead, copper, and chromium that can contaminate the environment.
4: Through Rcube Solutions:
We at RCube Solutions specializes in providing complete e-waste recycling solutions for businesses and education providers in Australia.
We follow 3 step system for handling E-waste:-
1: Reuse
All assets are inspected to determine functionality and value; if fit to reuse, they are wiped according to DOD standards and are sold or sent to a charity of the client's choice.
2: Recover
Devices unfit for use are sorted and dismantled into commodities.
3: Recycle
For more information on how to handle Ewaste, you can contact us by visiting our website