This is a journal for the 2019 #UnlimitedPride event on Wattpad. For every story with the "#UnlimitedPride" tag, Wattpad with donate $1 to GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network), which is a organization that works to end bullying, discrimination, and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender expression in United States K-12 schools, up to $10,000. This event is open until June 30, 2019, so you can write too!
Last year, I participated in the Pen Your Pride event. Wattpad would donate $1 to ILGA ( International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association) for every story tagged "#WattPride" during June of 2018. Reading that story would give good background to what I am talking about in the journal.