In the land where horses are born with eagle wings and honey bees have lost their sting... There lives two kingdoms, on the brink of war, all connected by 4 people.. In one kingdom there lives a lowly servant named John, who has an odd connection with the Charismatic Black Queen, otherwise known as Freddie. In the Willow Green lives The White Queen, a mysterious curly haired man with supernatural powers and a fascination with the stars. Working for him is Roger, a guard who has known the White Queen for much of his life. They are all brought together by one thing, though. War, and the hope for peace.
Disclaimer, this is a total work of fiction and none of this ever happened. The boys of Queen are their own people, and this story is my own creation, with characters based on the members of Queen. This story is based off of Queen's second album, Queen 2.