We all want to be in Nanami's place, proven fact. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here reading this. However, this fanfic is different from the other ones. While they just switch Nanami out with you and you deal with everything Nanami deals (how she became a goddess and all that). Very boring and unoriginal... I'm sure you're wondering what I've done. Well, since I've overhyped your expectations, I have decided to put YOU into the Kamisama Kiss universe!
Hold on, I'm getting there. You will be your own person and deal with things that Nanami isn't dealing with. New characters that I have created and new elements are also in this! Sadly, that means I'm going to have to cut out Nanami and Tomoe from the love mix. Can't have two human gods with similar backgrounds! Say what you want, but I haven't seen anyone else do this. I know I'm talking all high and mighty, but I'm feeling really good about this story.
Don't worry, I'll crash and burn later from this writer's high.
So, without further ado, please enjoy my deranged idea!
Kurama x reader
Akura-ou x reader
Shinjiro (Familiar) x reader
Tomoe and Nanami have been friends for years, They have shared their lives with each other, never doubting one another. What happens when their relationship becomes awkward? And What happens When Nanami's Quiet Best friend, Tomoe, Starts feeling something towards The brunette headed girl? { TomoeXNanami }...
( Also On FanFiction.Net )
Warning: Contains Crude humor, Suggestive Content, And Gore. Rating, : T-MA ( On some scenes. )