"I really didn't want you, to be honest. I just figured you were as easy as you look," he whispers before sucking the spot underneath my ear.
Renee Graham's life changes from day to night when she moves across the country to her dream college, Paragon University: a music/performing arts school. She's on top of the world until one small obstacle crosses her path:
Jack Avery.
*long chapters*
mature content: sex, cursing, TW: specific kinds of violence, drug use, underage drinking, and teenage aNgSt; mostly all depictions of actual college students🥰this is a vividly vulgar book, read @ your own risk LMFOAOAOA enjoy
"It's so fucking twisted, you know. This whole 'love' thing. Like really? You fall in love and you literally fall. You crash to the ground and I swear to god all your bones break. You're fucking shattered but you don't notice because you've got this beautiful boy whispering in your ear and kissing your neck and nothing else matters. But then he leaves and suddenly you feel it. You feel everything. And you're hysterically crying in your car at 4 in the morning in some empty parking lot because it's the only place that doesn't taste likes him and you're trying to hold your bones together but his old t-shirt don't work as a cast, wrapping them around your chest won't fix the craters in your ribs. Nothing stops the aching."