It had been three years since the death of Charley O'Brien, and Iris Peterson still struggled to cope with the loss. Charley was the first and only boy that Iris had ever loved, and the choice he had made to take his life left Iris bitter and jaded. For the past three years Iris had been drowning in her own mind; drowning in a void that grew deeper and darker with each question about Charley that went unanswered-as well as drowning in the consequences of her rebellious and irresponsible actions.
With little to no one to talk to, Iris began her senior year hoping to stay above the surface of her worsening depression. However, a stranger with a love for music and uncanny resemblance to her former lover arrives at school, and sends her spiraling back into the void of her mind. Irrational and angry, Iris finds herself getting in trouble one instant after another-until, beside herself, Iris is caught at school after hours during a violent fit of vandalism.
When the dust settled that night, Iris was shocked to discover the cruel and unusual punishment dealt to her by the new principal was to participate in the upcoming Talent Show as a singing act along side the new boy who'd already caused her such trouble. Iris now faced the decision to sing for the first time since the loss of Charley, or to risk failing out of school and jeopardizing her entire future.
Head Full Of Doubt, Heart Full Of Rock And Roll (Original)
41 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
41 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
THISIS THE OLD, ORIGINAL VERSION OF THE STORY! I left it up because the new version has significant differences, and I know I always hate it when I liked the old version of a story better and it gets taken down, but I still highly recommend reading the new one. Without further ado...
"Confidence? I've struggled with confidence my entire life. In fact, to this day, I still struggle, so I fake it. Faking confidence is a lot easier than most believe. Stand up straight, hold your head high, roll your shoulders back, look others in the eye, and stop apologising. Soon, your confidence isn't fake anymore."
Davy and Jamie Myers were sisters. Just like any other pair of siblings, they had their disagreements and fought every once in a while. However, they were also each other's best friends. They never went a day withough hanging out.
When an accident takes Jamie's life a week before granduation, Davy finds herself in a place no one ever wants to be. Her depression and anxiety start to consume her until she realizes the only way to keep her mind busy was to sing.
So she started singing her sister's favorite music.
Scott Jacobs always had a hard time making friends. He'd never been overly fond of the human race, so as soon as he graduated college, he moved out to the middle of nowhere to start a new life.
A couple months after moving, he met his neighbor, Davy Myers. For the first time in his life, he had a real friend. Will their friendship crumble when she reveals the skeletons in her closet, or will it make Scott fall even more in love with her?