Sierra Carter and her friends, Maxine Deleon, Maria Rodriguez, and Ainsley Prince are the not-so-cool girls in their school. At home, or well, should I say, their secret hideout, they are the coolest people on the planet. They aren't boy crazy, and they really have no care about any sign of popularity. Well, that's until they meet these boys who are exactly how they are-- except these boys are no where near popular, except it's almost like they should be. Meet Tate Rivers, Agustin James, Houston Meredith, and Nixon Gaige-- the most unusual guys you'll ever meet. Maybe not unusual. But definitely not pigs, and that's something very different from regular boys. Read as Sierra, Maxine, Maria, and Ainsley deal with these four guys, who are basically just asking for entrance into each of their hearts. "Don't underestimate the weirdo from next door, he could be the one to save you."
Her name is Serenity Renolds and she screams nerd.
She's also captain of her school's volleyball team and...believe it or not,drinks alcohol.
Let's just say her best friend has influenced her on that one..
His name is Taten Rosenfield.
Your typical bad boy;
Charming,Sexy,and well..bad.
You think you know what happens in this 'typical bad boy;nerd girl story,but everything is not what it seems.
Read the story.You might just get hooked on Taten Rosenfield like every other girl attending Charles High.
Chapter one Sneak Peak:
My name is Serenity Ann Renolds.I was the average nerd and my name means calm.I'm extremely shy,but even the mean girls glare at me for being pretty.With my blonde hair and glasses,I was also bullied by the typical bubblehead blonde and her followers that did everything she said.I kept my body in check, exercising and being the best volleyball player on my team.I had some friends, but my closest and dearest friend is Savannah Georgeson.She is full of personality and very pretty.Her boyfriend was also a friend of mine.His name is Evan and he's...I guess what you can say, your typical bad boy.Bad boys are really NOT my type even though I'm not sure if I even have one.The biggest of the bad well, that's Taten, best friend of Evan as well.His name meant cheerful, but nothing meant he was cheerful.Maybe cheerful as he stares at other girl's butts.
**The cover features Cara Delevingne, but she isn't Serenity's character.I don't set cast members because I like to leave it up to the readers on how they want to imagine my characters!If you want to imagine Serenity as Cara Delevingne, be my guest, but you don't HAVE to!**