Sierra Carter and her friends, Maxine Deleon, Maria Rodriguez, and Ainsley Prince are the not-so-cool girls in their school. At home, or well, should I say, their secret hideout, they are the coolest people on the planet. They aren't boy crazy, and they really have no care about any sign of popularity. Well, that's until they meet these boys who are exactly how they are-- except these boys are no where near popular, except it's almost like they should be. Meet Tate Rivers, Agustin James, Houston Meredith, and Nixon Gaige-- the most unusual guys you'll ever meet. Maybe not unusual. But definitely not pigs, and that's something very different from regular boys. Read as Sierra, Maxine, Maria, and Ainsley deal with these four guys, who are basically just asking for entrance into each of their hearts. "Don't underestimate the weirdo from next door, he could be the one to save you."
Do you ever wonder what life would be like if it were a movie? Or some sappy romance novel that you wish your life could be like but it's not? Sometimes you may even get to caught up in the fictional world that you don't realise it IS fictional. Then when you do realise life isn't what you convinced yourself it would be, there is only one possible outcome. Depression. Which may lead to anxiety, self-harm, low self esteem, and worst of all, losing the people you love. Life works in weird ways. Not just for you but for others too. Take Cassidy Rivers for example. Her life is far from perfect. No parents, over protective big brother, few friends, and Asher Norman, the bad boy who won't stop picking on her. Could life get any worse for Cassidy?