Delion Montgomery had been thru a lot of things in her life, but the only thing that put everything at ease was stripping. When she stripped, it made everything that she lost seem not to far away, and when she stripped it made everything that she missed, seem right next to her. It was her love, her stress reliever, but nobody got it. Nobody understood the life of Delion Montgomery, and why she would want to lead the life that she did. Follow Delion along her life, and story.
My name is Ashley, I'm 23 years old. I am a stripper. I have been without my family since I was 15, my mom was killed in cold blood and my dad is in prison for...surprise. You guessed it he is in prison because he is the one who killed her. You'll find out the rest of the story later as the book continues, but I don't strip because I enjoy it and I think it's a good career. I don't like dancing in front of old drunk pervy guys trying to grope me. I strip because I'm
Alone. I have no family to help support me since I was 15, I've had to take care of myself. But before you go judging me there is something that makes me different from the rest....I'm a virgin.