Agaknya lebih ke diari yak😅
Jadi, ini menceritakan tentang pengalamanku masih suka main bbm dan pertama kali kenalan sama dua cowok yang mengajariku main Roleplay.
Tapi, salah satunya betul betul membuatku jatuh cinta... tapi itu pas aku kelas 6🙃
Yaahh mau sedih atau nggak baca ajalah sendiri :3
It seems more to the diary, huh?😅
So, this tells about my experience that still likes to play BBM and the first time I know two guys who taught me to play Roleplay.
But, one of them really made me fall in love ... but it was just when I was in grade 6th🙃
Yeaahh if you want to feelin sad or not just read this diary :3