Just to all the people that were told "I love you"
just know behind every I love you, there is always a not, no matter what
"he loves me
he loves me
he loves me
well ever flower says you love me, I guess it is fate!"
the young love stricken girl said
The boy she said it to replied with "oh yes they have it right I love you" and with a faint whisper said a silent "not"
for the boy counted the peddles and made it where they all ended at the he loves you phase, because he to, knew that behind the 'I love you' the girl said; she didn't love him, no matter what she thought, she loved only the THOUGHT of him loving her, and he didn't love her, for fate just was rude to him and made him love the THOUGHT of her loving him, just like she loves the THOUGHT of him loving her, he would never ever be able to just love her whole person.