7 parts Complete In a devastated future where Earth is ravaged by a deadly virus, "The Virus in the Air" follows Bella and her two children as they seek refuge in a fortified building. The virus has poisoned the environment, rendering Earth uninhabitable, and the building's special air system offers their only hope. Bella reunites with her old friend Arthur, a brilliant and respected elder crucial to their survival. As they struggle to repair a malfunctioning machine to connect with Mars, they face constant challenges from the chaotic behaviour of other survivors and the harsh conditions around them.
Their journey culminates with their arrival on Mars, where they experience the awe of a new world. As they adjust to their new surroundings, the story poignantly captures the moment of transition and the emotional impact on the characters. With a poignant ending, the narrative invites readers to reflect on the fate of Arthur and the emotional close of Bella and her children's journey, as they lie on the Martian surface, gazing at the stars.