This is a fan fiction based on the story of The Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies. I do not, under any circumstance, own Erik, Gustave, Meg, Madame Giry, or Raoul. I wish I did though...
It's 2 years after young opera sensation Christine Daae was shot and killed, and she left giant scars in her passing. Her ex-lover Erik Destler is devastated, but when he meets Phantasma's newest star, a mysterious beauty named Ariadne, can he find hope? Or will he rely on a criminal to fix his broken heart?
As for Gustave, being a 12 year old with no mother sucks. No one understands the pain, and he feels alone. When Gustave enters the first few stages of depression, he begins to view the world in ways children his age shouldn't. When his only happiness is through music, can he be saved?
Meg Giry killed her best friend. That's not exactly something you can let go. Alas, Meg claims that she is healed, but through receiving the love, pleasure, and attention of others. Yet, will she learn to let down her high walls, and let others in?
Innocent people, victims of an accident. Will they find happiness, or will they forever feel incomplete?
The Phantom Of The Opera. Erik Destler. And with Christine's older sister, Mavis Daaé, Mavis knew nothing of him. But he knew everything of her. But one day... he shows himself. The two quickly became inseparable from each other, and quickly realized the love blooming in front of them. Until her sister found out, and banned them from ever seeing each other again. They couldn't stand it no. So with the help of Madam Giry, they finally were able to see each other. Where the confessed their love for one another. Not soon after, he stole her once more. For two months. Everyone feared for her. But not Madam Giry. As the time went on, the love grew stronger and near impossible to break. But what would happen if they actually follow his rules for once?
Find out.