Love. The thing everyone wants. The thing they all claim to need. Every girl or boy is waiting for the one. The one that is going to make them feel superhuman. Make their lives a mess of rainbows, unicorns and flowers.
These are the people Louis laughs and makes fun of. Not in public or with his friends of course, because with them he has a girlfriend and with them he loves her so much. But Louis likes Eleanor. ‘Like’ being the keyword.
Nobody knows the real Louis Tomlinson, the Louis that hates everything that has anything to do with hearts, butterflies and pink. The Louis that thinks movies like the Notebook, Titanic and The Vow are complete bullshit
Now, don’t start thinking that he’s a big anti-love supporter. It’s just that he doesn’t believe in it. People don’t make you feel like you’re flying or make you feel like the best thing in the world. Drugs do that. And alcohol.