So, you wanna write a novel but don't know where to start?
Then this guide's for you!
Inside, you'll find a step by step process for how to plan your entire novel, starting with only a basic story premise. You'll learn the basics of plot, narrative arc, and three-act structure and get a look at my in-depth plotting process, covering everything from developing ideas, outlining, and creating character arcs, to logistics, story-mapping, and scene structure. You'll also find tips, advice, tools, and resources to help you begin your journey!
And the best part is... everything is PINK!
#209 Random 06/20/16
#931 Romance 06/24/16
#893 Romance 06/25/2016
#864 Romance 06/26/2016
#1 Awards 02/25/2019
#4 Nerds 02/25/2019
#19 Awards 09/25/2019
Be aware of poor grammatical errors**
Wrote this book a long time ago!