The bell finally rings YEAH last day of school . On Christmas eve we went to New York City we reached there at 12 in midnight we put all of our stuff in our hotel and after that we went to time square we stayed in time square for half an hour and then we went back to our hotel and we slept at 1:30 and we woke up at seven and then we went and ate our break fast I ate pancakes and eggs and then we went to time square and we checked out the decorations that the store called Macy did the were really good and then after that we went to dunkin donuts and the donuts over there were really good and after that we went to saks fifth avenue they did these beautiful light show and after that they had these big ornaments and these big huge lights we took a few pictures and then there was this big Christmas tree they had a big icing rank over there and we skated and it was fun that day I walked 46 kilometers I got so tired and this knight we slept at the hotel the next morning we left for home and then on new years eve we went to Nathan phillips and we watched the fire works the next thing you are in 2019Todos os Direitos Reservados
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