"The Prodigy" is a short story of around 7,500 words. It's the story of a young student named Jordy who faced frustrating challenges, especially at school, because he was gifted with "prodigious" intelligence, intense curiosity, and unique appearance. These qualities often made Jordy feel, look, and act differently from other kids. They attracted unwanted attention, sometimes in ways that caused trouble, when all he really wanted to do was learn, read, and to write about, all the things he found fascinating in the world.
Along the way, Jordy faced physical danger, temptations, difficult people, and mental challenges. He also found helpful people and some satisfaction. But how would he ever find his rightful place in the world?
Read the story now to follow Jordy's adventures to discover how it all went.
A musically talented teen with her sights set on the spotlight must find a way to get her life back when she falls in with the mob.
In a city where con artists make the rules and aspiring females wear sequins and dance with a pole, Melody Holiday refuses to ride on the coattails of her semi-famous grandfather. She wants the freedom to choose her own path to showbiz greatness. When a chance meeting with a handsome stranger provides Mel with an opportunity, she thinks she's landed the big one. But her grandpa isn't thrilled with the direction Mel's career is going, and it's not until she stumbles across something she probably shouldn't have that this becomes clear. Perhaps meeting the stranger with the Rocky Balboa eyes wasn't by chance. Maybe Mel is rubbing elbows with the kind of people who could take away her freedom for good.
This story is loosely based on the author's feral youth. So, if you like your fiction shaken not stirred with a sprinkle of badboy on the rim, NEON GIRL delivers the goods; giving readers a dose of drama, a dash of romance, and a heaping helping of Las Vegas schmaltz. Oh, and there's a killer playlist, too.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and owned by the author. If you attempt to plagiarize, the author knows people backstage who can 'take care of things'. IN OTHER WORDS: If you find this story on any online platform other than WATTPAD, the author did not allow this. You may also be exposing yourself to malware. If you wish to read this story in its original, safe form, do it here on WATTPAD.