“Ela não podia acreditar. Albrecht. Seu amado. Seu noivo. Espere: ela podia sim. Tudo desde as pétalas do “bem me quer, mal me quer”, até sua mãe a avisaram que as coisas não dariam certo. O mundo estava congelado diante dela: todas as lembranças daquele dia passavam por sua cabeça. Como pode ser tão ingênua? Seu coração batia forte no peito, e então, ela percebeu que ia morrer.”
Conto de suspense inspirado no ballet "Giselle" e na música Born, never asked de Laurie Anderson.
"She could not believe it. Albrecht. Her love. Her fiance. Wait: she could do. Everything from the petals of "the daisy game," until her mother warned her that things would not work. The world was frozen before her: all the memories of that day passed through her head. How could her be so naive? Her heart pounded in her chest, and then she realized she was going to die. "
Story based on the ballet "Giselle", and the song Born, never asked by Laurie Anderson.