21 parts Complete MatureIn a world filled with spells and potions, pure-blood ideologies and magical hierarchies, an unexpected love story unfolds. Chevee, a vibrant exchange student from Australia, catches the eye of Draco Malfoy, the infamous Slytherin prince. She's spirited, lively, and has a passion for muggle music that baffles and fascinates Draco. As they spend time together, an unusual friendship blossoms and soon morphs into something more.
"The Unseen Magic" is a tale of unlikely love and magical experiences. As Chevee and Draco navigate the complexities of their feelings amid the tumultuous life at Hogwarts, they learn that sometimes, the most powerful magic is the one that blooms in the human heart. Witness as these two individuals from different worlds redefine the meaning of love and friendship, proving that even in a world where magic is the norm, love remains the most enchanting spell of all.