Many people compare life to many things like chocolates, baseball and etc. but I thought of it first like a living hell. Day by day by day doing the same thing over and over again. Not being able to live they way I want. This world Earth was my hell. Until a Man with no name, no family and no normal life came into my hell and saved me. He is my hero, my life and now my love. He gave me the ability to be me! Though life first had no meaning I now know what we are meant for. Though extraterrestrials sit back and watch our pain we will prove to them what we can do. Though Me and Him are not from this world we will save it. Here is my life story... but I warn you once you read your world and how you see it will change. You will know things that humans should NEVER know. I may have put you in danger but you plunged in to it. I lead you but I did not push you in. Now that you know somethings I will tell you My story or should I say Mine and His....