Education, that is what matters to Evan the most. He has a great appreciation on it because he knows that not everyone has the opportunity to the education that they deserve. That's why Evan always put so much effort on his studies- not minding the heavyness of his books, not minding if he waste his time on studying and to not care about his social life at all. All that matters to him is his education, disparate from Jessee- the girl he met on his way home. She never held a book. Instead all she ever got is her skateboard and guitar. She prefers to play her skateboard and strum her guitar than to waste her time studying. And so, Evan didn't like her. Her eyeliners, her skateboard on the east side, her guitar, simply everything about her; he hates her.
Not until their fates intertwined and Evan pushed Jessee to study and give at least importance to education, but Jessee is a hard-headed one just like her hard gaze and calm face everytime she performs on stage. That's what matters to her. She's all about music. It's all about her passion which she found on music fests, recording studios and her band. She's willing to give up everything for her dreams; something he does not want her to do.
Sk8ter Gurl, a story about the importance of education in the midst of chasing your dreams, a story about choosing passion over love.
"You can pursue your dreams without giving up your study." -Evan.