Ticci Toby was as everyone knew Maskys lover,When they had there Daughter and Son Tommy and Saki,At school Tommy or Tom hurt and beat his sister..bullying her..Saki said it was just because she kept slipping at school. Soon Tommy started hurting his sister when no one was home..This
Caused Saki to earn depression and Anxiety. She hated school and often hid in her room. When slender stayed home and Tommy didnt know,He beat his sister that day. Slender then made a story up the he and the pastas where going out killing,They hid and saw Tommy doing the horrid thing to his sister,Her like Masky she feels pain. Tommy cant,And when ever she fights back he smacks her. Her eyes soon turned dark and life less,Her hair a blackis brown. She went killing when ever possible..No one knew about her lifeless eyed because she wore her goggles or a bandana over her eyes,And her hair peoplr thought she dyed it. She hated but lovef her life...until she snapped.