I got this idea from a comic. The author of the comic goes by lesslinette and you can find her on Tumblr and Instagram, I will put parts of the comic in each chapter. It's a soulmates au, but a little different. In this universe, soulmates are really rare and few people know about them. Adrien's and Marinette's soulmate mark triggers when they spend a couple of weeks apart, and it only goes away when they see ya other again. They share the heterochromia mark, that swaps their left eye's color. According to lesslinette, Adrien moved to the US with his mother when his parents divorce. This triggered the mark, since it was the first time after they met that Marinette and Adrien were apart for so long. Adrien only comes back when his mom dies, and is surprised to notice that, not only does Marinette have heterochromia too, but his own eyes go back to normal once he looks into hers.