sometimes you have to choose the fate of your life. well this choice is the fate of my high school 'life'. i'm summer. summer brooks, skateboarder (pretty good one). this is my story of the end of 8th grade going into 9th grade. freshman year. i know i know your probably like um whats the big deal? FRIENDS ARE THE BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!!the fate of how your whole life in high school depends on who you hang out with. you can be one of those nerds who have like 7 friends and who speaks to anyone but only like a computer from the future would. you can be the sporty people who freak out about everything and wants to tackle people at every moment. you can be the people who think they are so cool and want to fight the 'white ass punks' who control the school (preps) you can be a skateboarder who doesnt care about anything but skate boarding and dont get in other people buisness, or you can be a prep. theres is really only one word to describe prep or populars. that word is bitchesAll Rights Reserved
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