Where to even begin? I'll start off with introductions. I am Alexander Argos, ruler of the Kingdom of Argos. This is not my story, but the tale of the people of Argos. A Kingdom with a history that dates back more than a thousand years. The fatherland if you may call it. I will grant you access to the lives of all our people and their stories. But not only their stories, stories that span countless lifetimes in cities all linked to Argos of love, war, death, betrayal, and more. The seeds that I planted which have got trees that sheltered millions which now have roots that firmly hold together the very foundation of the world as is. How do I know all these things you ask? Considerably, I am Argos's first King and I have watched over my people all these years. Join me as I share stories of the past, present and seem to you the future yet to occur, but I already know how this all ends. You will merely have to read to know it too.