New style full high grade print money bills includes the money band just as pictured. You will receive exactly what you see in the picture . Stage money bills that look like real money, in fact they are the closest that you can find to the real thing! Full print - double sided bills as stated on each money bill. All our notes carry all the holograms and water marks to pass the light detector test. We print and sell Grade AAA banknotes of over 55 currencies in the world. WE ALSO PRINT CUSTOM ORDER NOVELTY DOCUMENTS LIKE PASSPORTS, ID CARDS, GREEN CARDS AND DRIVERS LICENSE OF HIGH QUALITY:- ' FOR MOTION PICTURE PURPOSES, NOT LEGAL TENDER.' By purchasing these bills you agree to use them in a legal manner. All orders shipped within one business day guaranteed. If your product is not right or something didn't go as expected please let us know and we will make every effort to correct it. Heblamos Espanol.Here a chance to make things work. Thank you for trading with us. For sales inquiry contact us on; Signal...... +1 (987) 265 2898 WhatsApp..... +32 467 68 94 29 Wickr..... pntdmotivation Kik......painted_motivation Call or text....+1 (478) 219 7071All Rights Reserved