13 parts Complete Mature-The second extract from the casefiles of D.I. Hawes and D.S. Gray-
When D.S. Edmund Gray first arrived on the doorstep of Coates Hill Preparatory School for Boys, I.D. in one hand and takeaway cup of steaming coffee in the other, his initial reaction was how glad he was not to have gone there.
His companion, a certain D.I. Cynthia Hawes, however, was more concerned about how easy it looked to climb out if the large, ornate Gothic style windows on the upper floors and make your way safely (ish) down to the ground below.
And to D.I. Hawes's intent amusement, not that she would ever admit it to another living soul, it seemed one of the young boys had done just that.
Previous Hawes&Gray cases:
#1. Two Heads
Later Hawes&Gray cases:
#3. Lips White As Snow
#4. Watch Your Back