Felix Kjellberg, known as PewDiePie,a famous youtuber who originated from Gothenburg, Sweden. He lives in the fast lane, known for his videos on YouTube...
Qiara Terry, famous by her obnoxious stepbrother, Ryan Cryaotic Terry, is Pewds' bestfriend since Pewds' was 18 and when she was 12.It was how Pewds met Cry.She's also a youtuber by the name Qiaotic Disaster.
Qia leaves Sweden to move with her stepfather in Florida, a day before her and Pewds' 3rd anniversary of being bestfriends. What she didn't knew was that Pewds was gonna confess his love for her.
3 years later, Pewds dates an Italian girl, Marzia Bisognin.But deep in his heart, he still loves his Qiaotic. On his birthday, he meets his first love, Qiara.
Will he stay with Marzia? Or will he go to Qia?
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.