ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT. No parts of this story may be reproduced in any way. Shantay Powell has had a lot responsibility ever since she took in her niece, after her sister died when she was 15. Shantay, not having any family left, took her in not wanting to lose the only family she had left. Trey Jackson is Shantay's husband and is a powerful drug dealer in Miami. The only thing in the way of him becoming the most powerful cartel leader in Miami is Loyalty. But there's just one problem: nobody knows who he is. With his marriage on the rocks, he completes the ultimate betrayal pushing Shantay into the arms of another man. Alonzo Victor is Shantay's first love and she was his. She moved away from him when she was 15 leaving him alone in Atlanta. He built his own drug empire and expanded it across the East Coast. Now he's in Miami and back and better than ever and when he and Shantay run into each other again, who knows what could happen.All Rights Reserved