Part 1 of the Roshambo Trilogy: Rigel Vega is your typical well-rounded teenage boy. He loves sports, school and just, well, being alive. And why wouldn't he? He has a family that supports him, a girl he's in love with, and a kickass best-friend to boot! But on the night of the school dance, his life turns upside down when a maniac on some giant, worm-looking, sludgy thing breaks through the wall of the school gym. Just like that, his whole world flips around, and he is thrust into another world, one where magic-users (mages) and werewolves and vampires and just about every magical creature you could imagine are real. He realizes that his best-friend isn't who he said he was, neither are his parents, and the only truly constant thing that Rigel knows is that Eta is, in fact, still very much his sister. But still so, it's rather hard to navigate through life in Aether, especially when there's a civil war going on. Together with a team comprising of a bunch of broken light mages, three not-broken light mages, a vampire-siren, his sister and his best-friend, Rigel must fight against the tyrannical Mordred, leader of the dark mages, and carry on his father's legacy. But what is one to do when a member of their team is a Proditor? Or when they discover things about themself that they would rather not know... _________________________________________________________________________________ (unofficially) TL;DR (I don't blame you) A vampire-siren and nine magic users take on possibly the biggest threat to Aether since the monarchy, and the new guy has to lead because everybody else loses their shit. _________________________________________________________________________________ Updated every Tuesday and SaturdayTodos os Direitos Reservados
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